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Anime Girl: Exploring Anime’s Influence in Popular Culture



anime girl

Anime has become a global phenomenon, captivating audiences of all ages and backgrounds. One particularly captivating aspect of anime is the depiction of anime girl. These characters have captured the hearts of fans worldwide, with their distinct personalities, stunning designs, and compelling storylines.

In this blog post, we will explore the allure of anime girls, delving into their impact on popular culture and examining why they hold such a significant place in the hearts of anime enthusiasts. Join us as we dive into the fascinating world of an anime girl and uncover the magic behind their enduring appeal.

What is an Anime Girl?

Anime is a popular medium of animated entertainment that originates from Japan. It encompasses a wide range of genres and styles, appealing to diverse audiences around the world. One of the recurring and beloved character archetypes in anime is the “Anime Girl.” In this section, we will delve into the definitions of both anime and anime girls to provide a clear understanding of what they represent.

Definition of Anime

Anime refers to animated works that are typically hand-drawn or computer-generated. It covers a broad spectrum of genres, including fantasy, romance, action, science fiction, and many more. Anime often features vibrant visuals, intricate storytelling, and an emphasis on character development. This art form has gained significant recognition and popularity beyond its origins in Japan, attracting a global fanbase.

anime girl

Definition of Anime Girl

An anime girl is a female character that embodies the distinctive art style, storytelling techniques, and cultural references found in anime. These characters often possess exaggerated physical features, such as large eyes, colorful hair, and expressive facial expressions. Anime girls come in various archetypes, ranging from strong and independent heroines to sweet and innocent love interests. They play pivotal roles in anime narratives and contribute to the overall charm and popularity of the medium.

Anime girls are known for their diverse personalities, which can be endearing, complex, or even mysterious. They serve as symbols of empowerment, representing a wide range of qualities such as courage, resilience, intelligence, and compassion. As viewers immerse themselves in anime storylines, they form emotional connections with these characters, cheering for their triumphs and empathizing with their struggles.

In conclusion, anime girls are integral to the world of anime, bringing life and depth to the stories they inhabit. With their unique artistic design and captivating personalities, they captivate audiences, making anime a distinct and cherished form of entertainment.

Anime girl

Popular Anime Girls

Anime has captured the hearts and imaginations of millions of fans worldwide, and one aspect that stands out in many anime series is the depiction of strong and memorable female characters. From their unique personalities to their enduring charm, popular anime girls have become iconic symbols within the genre. In this section, we will explore some of the most beloved and unforgettable anime girls that have left a lasting impression on fans.

Iconic Anime Girls

Iconic anime girls are characters that have become synonymous with the medium, leaving an indelible mark on pop culture. These characters have not only captured the attention of anime enthusiasts but have also become well-known beyond the realm of anime fandom. Let’s take a closer look at a few of these iconic anime girls:

  1. Sailor Moon – Usagi Tsukino, better known as Sailor Moon, is the quintessential magical girl. With her charming personality, determination, and the ability to transform into a superhero, she has become a symbol of empowerment and courage. Sailor Moon played a pivotal role in popularizing the magical girl genre and inspiring many other anime series to follow suit.
  2. Asuka Langley Soryu – Asuka, from the renowned series “Neon Genesis Evangelion,” is a complex character known for her fiery attitude and exceptional piloting skills. Her determination and vulnerability make her one of the most intriguing and memorable anime girls, leaving a lasting impact on viewers.
  3. Bulma – Bulma, from the long-running series “Dragon Ball,” is a brilliant scientist who often finds herself entangled in epic adventures. Her sharp wit, intelligence, and ever-changing hairstyles have made her an enduring fan favorite and an integral part of the “Dragon Ball” universe.

Memorable Anime Girl Characters

Apart from the iconic anime girls, there are numerous other female characters in anime who have left a lasting impression on viewers due to their unique qualities and captivating storylines. Here are a few memorable anime girl characters:

  1. Hinata Hyuga – From the popular series “Naruto,” Hinata is a shy and kind-hearted ninja who overcomes her self-doubt to become a formidable warrior. Her unwavering loyalty and determination to protect her loved ones resonate with many fans, making her a beloved character in the “Naruto” franchise.
  2. Taiga Aisaka – Taiga, from the romantic comedy “Toradora!,” is a petite but fiery character whose tsundere personality has won the hearts of many. Her unexpected growth and emotional depth throughout the series make her a lovable and relatable character for viewers.
  3. Mikasa Ackerman – Mikasa, from the action-packed series “Attack on Titan,” is a skilled warrior with unmatched combat abilities. Her unwavering loyalty, fierce protectiveness towards her friends, and tragic backstory have made her a fan-favorite character in the anime community.

These memorable anime girl characters demonstrate the diversity and depth of the female characters found in anime. Their unique qualities, compelling stories, and relatable struggles have resonated with audiences worldwide, making them beloved figures within the anime landscape.

anime girl

Characteristics of Anime Girls

Anime girls have become iconic figures in the world of animation and entertainment. With their distinct physical features, unique personality traits, and fashionable clothing styles, they capture the hearts of fans around the globe. In this section, we will explore the captivating characteristics that make anime girls so beloved.

Physical Features

Anime girls are known for their visually striking appearance, often characterized by large, expressive eyes that sparkle with emotion. These mesmerizing eyes invite the audience into the world of the character, conveying a wide range of feelings and amplifying their charm. Additionally, anime girls usually have flawless and porcelain-like skin, adding to their ethereal beauty. Their hairstyles can vary greatly, from flowing locks of vibrant colors to cute and playful hairdos, enhancing their individuality and leaving a lasting impression.

Personality Traits

Anime girls possess a diverse spectrum of personality traits, making them relatable and endearing. Whether they exhibit a strong-willed and determined nature, a kind and nurturing demeanor, or a mischievous and playful spirit, their personalities breathe life into their animated existence. These characters often go through personal growth and development, offering inspiration and life lessons that resonate with viewers of all ages. Their courage, resilience, and unwavering loyalty make them powerful role models in the realm of animation.

Clothing Style

One of the most exciting aspects of anime girls is their fashion sense, which ranges from adorable and kawaii to sophisticated and elegant. Their outfits are a reflection of their personalities and the world they inhabit, adding depth to their character design. From school uniforms and magical girl costumes to stylish streetwear and traditional attire, anime girls flaunt a wide array of fashion choices. The attention to detail in their clothing, including intricate designs, vibrant colors, and accessorization, elevates their visual appeal and captivates audiences.

Anime girls encompass a unique blend of physical features, personality traits, and fashion styles that contribute to their iconic status. Their eye-catching appearance, relatable personalities, and fashionable outfits make them unforgettable and beloved by fans worldwide. Stay tuned for further sections where we delve deeper into the anime girl phenomenon and its impact on popular culture.

anime girls

Different Types of Anime Girls

Anime is a rich and diverse medium that offers a wide range of characters, each with their own unique personalities and traits. In this section, we will explore the different types of anime girls and delve into the fascinating characteristics that define them.

Tsundere Girls

Tsundere girls are perhaps one of the most popular character archetypes in anime. They are known for their initially cold and abrasive demeanor, which often softens as the story progresses. Tsundere girls frequently display a combination of hot-headedness, stubbornness, and a hidden vulnerable side. Their interactions with the protagonist are often characterized by teasing, mixed signals, and occasional outbursts of affection.

Yandere Girls

On the other end of the spectrum, we have the yandere girls. These characters start off seemingly sweet and loving, but as the story unfolds, their true nature is revealed. Yandere girls are possessive, obsessive, and sometimes even dangerous. They are willing to go to extreme lengths to protect their love interest, often resorting to violence or manipulation. Yandere girls provide a dark twist to the usual romantic dynamics and can add a sense of thrill to the narrative.

Genki Girls

Genki girls are known for their infectious energy and lively personalities. They are often portrayed as cheerful, optimistic, and full of enthusiasm. Genki girls tend to bring a vibrant and dynamic element to the story, injecting joy and excitement into the lives of those around them. These characters are often depicted as highly active, impulsive, and sometimes a bit clumsy, which adds a dose of comedy and light-heartedness to the plot.

Kuudere Girls

Kuudere girls exude an aura of aloofness and coolness. They are characterized by their calm and composed demeanor, often appearing stoic and emotionally distant. Kuudere girls tend to have a dry wit and a touch of sarcasm, which adds a layer of complexity to their personalities. Although they may seem unapproachable at first, their icy exterior often melts away as they develop deeper connections with other characters.

Dandere Girls

Dandere girls are shy and introverted characters who often struggle with expressing their thoughts and emotions. They are typically reserved and prefer to blend into the background rather than stand out. Dandere girls may have difficulties with social interactions, but they often possess a kind and gentle nature. As the story progresses, they gradually open up and reveal their true selves, often becoming a source of comfort and support for the protagonist.

Anime provides a vast array of character types, and the examples above are just a glimpse into the diverse world of anime girls. Each archetype brings its own charm and adds depth to the storytelling. Whether it’s the fiery tsundere, the enigmatic kuudere, or the energetic genki girl, these characters have captured the hearts of fans worldwide with their captivating personalities and compelling narratives.

anime girls

Influence of Anime Girls in Popular Culture

Anime girls have become a prominent and influential presence in popular culture, captivating audiences worldwide. Their impact extends beyond the boundaries of anime and manga, permeating various aspects of our lives. From fashion and cosplay to fan art and merchandise, as well as their influence on pop music and dance, anime girls have left an indelible mark on our collective consciousness.

Fashion and Cosplay

Anime girls have a significant influence on fashion trends and cosplay. Their unique and eye-catching outfits have inspired numerous individuals to recreate their looks in real life. Fans of anime girls often take great pleasure in dressing up as their favorite characters and attending cosplay events or conventions. This trend has not only become a way for fans to express their admiration but also fostered a sense of community among like-minded individuals.

Cosplay has become a form of self-expression, allowing people to step into the shoes of their beloved anime girl characters. From meticulously recreating their hairstyles and accessories to paying attention to every intricate detail of their costumes, cosplayers strive for authenticity and creativity. This practice has even led to the emergence of professional cosplayers who are celebrated for their impressive transformations into anime girls and other beloved characters.

Fan Art and Merchandise

The popularity of anime girls has also given rise to a vibrant fan art and merchandise industry. Talented artists around the world create stunning illustrations and digital artwork, showcasing their love and admiration for these iconic characters. Fan art serves as a medium for fans to express their creativity and pay homage to their favorite anime girls. The internet abounds with fan art communities and platforms where enthusiasts can share and appreciate these artistic creations.

Moreover, anime girls have become a lucrative market for merchandise. From figurines and posters to clothing items and accessories, the demand for products featuring anime girls is substantial. Fans eagerly collect and display these items as a way to showcase their devotion and connection to their beloved characters. The vast array of merchandise allows individuals to incorporate their favorite anime girls into their daily lives, further solidifying their presence in popular culture.

Impact on Pop Music and Dance

Anime girls have made their way into the realm of pop music and dance, impacting the music industry and dance culture. Many anime series feature catchy and energetic theme songs performed by popular J-pop or J-rock artists. These songs often become chart-toppers and are embraced by fans worldwide. Anime music concerts and performances have become highly anticipated events, where enthusiasts can experience the excitement of live performances by their favorite artists.

Additionally, anime girls often showcase unique dance routines within their series or music videos, inspiring fans to learn and emulate these moves. Dance covers and choreography inspired by anime girls have garnered a significant following on social media platforms, creating a vibrant community of dance enthusiasts. Anime dance challenges and collaborations have become a popular way for fans to engage with their favorite characters and connect with fellow enthusiasts.

In conclusion, anime girls have wielded a substantial influence over popular culture. Through their impact on fashion and cosplay, the art of fan creation, and their integration into the music and dance realms, anime girls have captivated audiences and left an enduring mark on our society. As their popularity continues to soar, it is clear that the influence of anime girls will continue to shape and inspire various aspects of our lives.

anime girls

Controversies Surrounding Anime Girls

Anime girls have always been a subject of interest, admiration, and critique within the community and beyond. While many fans appreciate the artistic and storytelling aspects of anime, there are also controversies surrounding the portrayal of anime girls. This section will explore some of the main controversies, including sexualization and objectification, criticisms of unrealistic body proportions, and cultural appropriation.

Sexualization and Objectification

One of the key controversies surrounding anime girls revolves around their sexualization and objectification. It is not uncommon to find female characters in anime depicted in revealing outfits, provocative poses, and situations with explicit fan service. This aspect of anime has garnered criticism, as it perpetuates the objectification of women and reinforces harmful stereotypes.

Critics argue that the overemphasis on sexualizing anime girls undermines their character development and reduces them to mere objects of desire. This can perpetuate unrealistic expectations of femininity and contribute to the normalization of objectifying women in real life. It is important to note that not all anime portrays female characters in this manner, and there are many shows that prioritize strong character development and meaningful storylines.

Criticisms of Unrealistic Body Proportions

Another controversy surrounding anime girls centers around the unrealistic body proportions often depicted in this art form. Many female characters are portrayed with exaggerated features, such as large eyes, tiny waists, and voluptuous figures. While stylization is a common artistic choice in anime, some argue that these exaggerated body proportions promote unrealistic beauty standards and can have negative effects on body image.

Critics contend that the prevalence of these unrealistic body ideals can lead to body dissatisfaction and self-esteem issues, particularly among impressionable viewers. It is crucial to promote healthier body representations and encourage diverse body types in anime to foster a more inclusive and body-positive community.

Cultural Appropriation

Cultural appropriation is another aspect that has sparked controversy within the anime community. Anime often draws inspiration from various cultures, incorporating elements of traditional clothing, hairstyles, and customs. However, there have been instances where cultural symbols and practices have been misrepresented or exploited without proper understanding or respect.

Critics argue that cultural appropriation in anime perpetuates harmful stereotypes, reinforces cultural misconceptions, and can be disrespectful to the cultures being portrayed. It is important for creators and fans alike to engage in respectful cultural exchange, conducting research and understanding the significance behind elements they incorporate into anime to avoid perpetuating harmful stereotypes or cultural insensitivity.

In conclusion, controversies surrounding anime girls encompass issues such as sexualization and objectification, criticisms of unrealistic body proportions, and cultural appropriation. It is essential to acknowledge these controversies and promote more responsible and inclusive portrayals of female characters in anime. By encouraging diverse representations and fostering a respectful understanding of different cultures, we can create a more inclusive and positive anime community.


In conclusion, anime girls have become an iconic staple in the world of animation and pop culture. Their vibrant personalities, unique fashion choices, and captivating storylines have captured the hearts of millions of fans worldwide. Whether it’s their fierce determination, adorable charm, or mysterious allure, anime girls have a way of resonating with people of all ages.

From classics like Sailor Moon and Cardcaptor Sakura to newer series like Attack on Titan and My Hero Academia, the variety of anime girls is vast and diverse. Each character brings something different to the table, allowing viewers to find someone they can relate to or look up to.

It’s not just their looks or personalities that make anime girls special, but also the messages they convey. Many anime girls embody strong values of friendship, bravery, and perseverance, teaching valuable life lessons along the way. They inspire us to follow our dreams, overcome obstacles, and never give up.

As we continue to see the rise of anime in mainstream media, it’s clear that anime girls will remain an integral part of the genre’s appeal. Their impact extends beyond the screen, with fans cosplaying as their favorite characters, creating fan art, and participating in anime conventions. Anime girls have become more than just fictional characters; they have become symbols of passion, creativity, and a shared love for the art form.

So whether you’re a longtime anime fan or just dipping your toes into the world of Japanese animation, don’t be afraid to embrace your love for anime girls. Celebrate their uniqueness, admire their strength, and immerse yourself in the captivating stories they bring to life. Anime girls are here to stay, and their influence will continue to inspire and enchant for years to come.

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Geoff Thomas is a seasoned staff writer at VORNews, a reputable online publication. With his sharp writing skills and deep understanding of SEO, he consistently delivers high-quality, engaging content that resonates with readers. Thomas' articles are well-researched, informative, and written in a clear, concise style that keeps audiences hooked. His ability to craft compelling narratives while seamlessly incorporating relevant keywords has made him a valuable asset to the VORNews team.

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Importance of Fast Plumbing Services: Delivering in Just 30 Minutes



Plumbing Services

The plumbing services industry is about to grow by 2% annually by 2031. With the advancement of technologies, the introduction of smart homes and bathrooms is all set to boost the demand for smart plumbing fixtures shortly. Hence, this makes the plumber’s career more stable, envisaging constant learning and providing hands-on experience in using new technologies.

Plumbing issues are a part of every building; they are unpredictable and may lead to water and property damage. Hence, instead of performing DIY repairs, hiring expert plumbers in Noida will always work. However, finding reliable and affordable plumbers is challenging; therefore, many homeowners hire inexperienced ones. It may temporarily resolve the issues but won’t work for the longer term.

Therefore, always hire experts with years of experience in the same field who can provide quality services even in an emergency. Below, know the importance of fast plumbing services in Noida.


Benefits of Fast Plumbing Services

Since ancient times, plumbing has held immense importance. It assesses the water that comes in and goes out of any building properly. Plumbing services are mainly associated with water-related home repair services and must be tackled promptly and quickly. Hiring plumbers in Noida is beneficial as they ensure they visit your doorstep within 30 minutes of your booking and deliver quality results. The following are the benefits of hiring fast plumbing services:


Maximum plumbing issues must be tackled quickly before they turn into disasters. The professionals offering fast plumbing services are available anytime to provide quality work. Hence, you needn’t wait hours or days to repair a burst pipe.


Irrespective of time, these plumbers in Noida are ready to help within 30 minutes at your address. These experts work around the clock and employ modern tools and equipment to handle all the issues quickly. Even if you work in the graveyard shift, you can schedule and hire them at your convenience.

Real-Time Solution

Emergent plumber services in Noida provide fast plumbing solutions before the situation worsens; otherwise, the repair will cost you more. In the hustle and bustle of life, the homeowners don’t want to wait for long and rely on word-of-mouth or flipping the telephonic directories. With technological advancements, everyone can easily hire plumbing experts with just a few clicks.


Many plumbing service industries have years of experience. Hence, they know that many plumbing issues demand immediate attention, which helps prevent severe damage. These service providers let you connect with experts who match your home needs and visit your doorstep within 30 minutes.

Emergency Training

The professionals regularly undergo varied training and keep themself learning about the latest trains and technologies to use in emergency cases.


Know the Emergency Plumbing Cases

Homeowners can’t differentiate between the emergency and the common issues. The following are the emergency plumbing cases you must consider and resolve as soon as possible:

Overflowing Toilet

An overflowing toilet is considered an emergency plumbing case only if it doesn’t stop until you push the flush; in case it doesn’t work, hiring fast plumbing services in Noida is the best way to resolve the issue, as these plumbers use a drain snake or hydro-jet to fix the problems.

No Water Pressure

If there’s no water pressure, it indicates a leak in your home. It also signifies that your pipe has burst, wasting water that should be resolved immediately to prevent serious issues.

No Hot Water

Hot water is essential for washing dishes and taking showers, but if the heater is not working, there is a chance that the water line is leaking or the heat exchanger has failed. Thus, it’s not an issue that one can wait before it can addressed.

Multiple Clogged Drained

A blocked drain is a nightmare for many homeowners. Maybe there’s an issue with the sewer line. In this case, you must immediately search for the best plumbing services to tackle the problems.

Final Words

Instant plumbing services are pivotal in integrating, maintaining, and functionalizing the home plumbing system. The demand for fast plumbing services is increasing with the increasing demand for smart home fixtures and technological advancements.

Hence, hiring plumbers in Noida is the best decision, as they can visit your address within 30 minutes of booking to provide you with quality solutions. Also, they offer varied benefits such as on-time availability, flexibility, real-time solutions, and promptness. Therefore, safeguard your home from unforeseen plumbing emergencies at the most economical price.

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The above article is sponsored content any opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and not necessarily reflect the views of VORNews. For more information on our sponsored content policy click here.

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Lusha Lead Generation Script: Crafting Effective Sales Conversations



lead generation
lead generation script

In the realm of sales, having a well-crafted script can make all the difference between a missed opportunity and a closed deal. A lead generation script serves as your roadmap to engaging prospects, addressing their needs, and ultimately converting them into loyal customers. Here’s how you can leverage a lusha b2b contacts database lead generation script to elevate your sales game and boost your revenue.

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What is Pi123 ? Exploring its Features and Benefits

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The above article is sponsored content any opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and not necessarily reflect the views of VORNews. For more information on our sponsored content policy click here.

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What is Pi123 ? Exploring its Features and Benefits



What is Pi123 ? Exploring its Features and Benefits

One constant sticks out in the fascinating realm of mathematics, where numbers dance through equations and reveal the mysteries of the cosmos: pi. Pi123, defined as the circumference divided by the diameter of a circle, is a mathematical constant that fascinates scientists and mathematicians alike.

This irrational number, roughly equivalent to 3.14159, is important in many mathematical calculations and may also be seen in natural patterns. In this blog, we also comprehend what Pi123 is and its importance.

The Core of Pi123

What is Pi123 Exploring its Features and Benefits

Pi is more than simply a number; it’s a phenomenon and an enigma that exists beyond reason. Although it can be precisely determined using various mathematical methods, Pi is an irrational number. This intriguing quality is the foundation for Pi123, an online application created to precisely and easily untangle Pi’s endless digits.

Presenting Pi123

What is Pi123 Exploring its Features and Benefits

Pi123 is an online calculator that can compute pi to decimal places. It’s much more than just a calculator, however. Pi123 is your go-to partner whether you’re a teacher mentoring the future generation of mathematicians or a student exploring the subject’s complexities. A peek into what sets Pi123 apart in the digital space of mathematical research is this:

  1. Fast Calculations: Pi123 guarantees quick calculations, making it simple for users to get exact values of pi.
  2. Interface That’s Easy to Use: Pi123 is easy to use and may be accessed by mathematicians of all skill levels.
  3. Store and Share: To help with learning and teamwork, the tool has a handy function that allows you to store and share your computations.
  4. Long History: Pi123 maintains a thorough record of all the calculations you have made in the past, giving you a mathematical journey.

The Significance of Pi123

What is Pi123 Exploring its Features and Benefits

Pi123 is a doorway to mathematical discovery, not merely a tool. Pi may be calculated to any decimal point, which leads to fresh discoveries and insights. Whether delving into the depths of geometry or solving the riddles of calculus, Pi123 is a beneficial tool for all your mathematical pursuits.

Connecting the Dots: How to Sign Up for the Ekart Partner Center

Identifying more opportunities for development and cooperation is critical as we explore the realm of mathematics. The Ekart Partner Center is one such possibility. See this comprehensive guide for information on how to join this center and join a thriving business endeavor.

Final Thoughts

Pi123 shines as a light in mathematics, showing the way to accuracy and discovery. With unmatched simplicity, Pi123 allows you to study the infinite decimals of pi as a student, teacher, or passionate math lover. Accept the beauty of numbers and use Pi123 as your guide to explore the vast world of mathematical mysteries.

Common Questions Regarding Pi123

What is the purpose of pi?

Pi has been used in a wide range of mathematical and scientific fields. It is mostly used in geometry to indicate the circumference’s ratio to a circle’s diameter. Pi also appears in many mathematical formulae from many mathematics, physics, and engineering fields.

2. To put it simply, what is pi?

Simply put, pi is the number that expresses the relationship between the diameter and circumference of a circle. This number, which is irrational and roughly equivalent to 3.14159, has an infinite decimal form that never ends.

3. Is the value of pi real?

Pi is a real number, yes. It is also an irrational number, precisely, and a mathematical constant. When it is irrational, its decimal form is non-terminating and non-repeating. Despite this, pi is a very real and significant mathematical notion.

4. What’s the ratio of pi?

The connection between a circle’s diameter and circumference is known as the pi ratio. The Greek letter π (pi) represents it mathematically, and its approximate value is 3.14159. The pi ratio is one basic constant often employed in geometry and other mathematical computations involving circles.

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The above article is sponsored content any opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and not necessarily reflect the views of VORNews. For more information on our sponsored content policy click here.

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