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Thousands Of US Health Care Workers Go On Strike In Multiple States Over Wages And Staff Shortages




LOS ANGELES Approximately 75,000 Kaiser Permanente employees left their jobs in multiple states on Wednesday, launching a significant healthcare strike amid an extraordinary year for labor organizing and work stoppages in the United States.

With 39 hospitals nationwide, Kaiser Permanente is one of the country’s largest insurers and health care system administrators. Nearly 13 million people are covered by the Oakland, California-based nonprofit, which sends them to clinics and hospitals it operates or contracts with to provide care.

The Coalition of Kaiser Permanente Unions, which represents approximately 85,000 health system employees nationwide, asserts that understaffing is detrimental to patient care. Members approved a three-day strike in California, Colorado, Oregon, and Washington and a one-day strike in Virginia and the District of Columbia.

Workers applauded as the strike deadline approached in the predawn hours outside the Kaiser Permanente Los Angeles Medical Centre. Licensed vocational nurses, home health assistants, ultrasound sonographers, and radiology, X-ray, surgical, pharmacy, and emergency department technicians are among the striking workers.


Thousands Of US Health Care Workers Go On Strike In Multiple States Over Wages And Staff Shortages

Culinary Union members, including Veronica Flores Serrano, who works at The Linq, vote in a strike vote on the UNLV campus Thomas & Mack Centre on Tuesday, September 26, 2023. Tens of thousands of hospitality employees who maintain Las Vegas’s iconic casinos and hotels were scheduled to vote Tuesday on whether or not to authorize a strike amid ongoing contract negotiations.

The strike of autoworkers expanded to 38 locations in 20 states. Biden planned a visit to demonstrate support.

Brittany Everidge, a ward clerk transcriber in the medical center’s maternal child health department, said short-staffing in her position means pregnant people in active labor may be trapped in a waiting room for hours before they can get checked in. Occasionally, more transcribers can be needed to create and update records for newborns.

During a phone interview from the picket line, she stated, “We never want to be in a position where the nurses must perform our duties.”

Kaiser says its hospitals, including emergency rooms, will remain open during the picketing, which does not involve doctors. The company announced it would hire thousands of temporary workers to cover vacancies caused by the strike. However, the strike may cause delays in scheduling appointments and rescheduling non-urgent procedures.

It occurs in a year when multiple industries, including transportation, entertainment, and hospitality, have experienced work stoppages.


Thousands Of US Health Care Workers Go On Strike In Multiple States Over Wages And Staff Shortages

The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly exacerbated the problems caused by burnout and excessive workloads in the healthcare industry, which have been the source of multiple strikes this year.

In August, unions representing Kaiser employees requested an hourly minimum wage of $25 and annual increases of 7% for the first two years and 6.25% for the following two years.

They claim that understaffing boosts the hospital system’s profits but harms patients and that executives have negotiated poorly.

Mikki Fletchall, a licensed vocational nurse at a Kaiser medical office in Camarillo, California, stated, “They’re not listening to the frontline healthcare workers.” “We are on strike due to our patients. We wish we didn’t have to do it, but we will.”

Next year, Kaiser has proposed hourly minimum compensation between $21 and $23, depending on location.

The hospital system has hired 51,000 employees since 2022 and plans to add 10,000 more by the end of the month.

Kaiser Permanente reported a second-quarter net income of $2.1 billion on more than $25 billion in operating revenue. However, the company reported that it was still facing cost headwinds, inflationary pressures, and labor shortages.

Michelle Gaskill-Hames, a senior executive at Kaiser, defended the company by asserting that its practices, compensation and retention are superior to those of its competitors, even though the entire industry confronts the same challenges.

President of Kaiser Foundation Health Plan and Hospitals of Southern California and Hawaii, Gaskill-Hames, stated, “Our focus for the dollars that we bring in is to keep them invested in value-based care.”


Thousands Of US Health Care Workers Go On Strike In Multiple States Over Wages And Staff Shortages

Despite the pandemic, she added that Kaiser only confronts a 7% turnover rate compared to the industry average of 21%.

“I believe that as a result of the pandemic, healthcare workers are completely exhausted,” she said. It was challenging to experience the trauma of caring for many COVID patients and dying patients.

The last labor agreement was negotiated in 2019, before the pandemic.

Hospitals generally have struggled in recent years with high labor costs, staffing shortages and rising levels of uncompensated care, according to Rick Gundling, a senior vice president with the Healthcare Financial Management Association, a nonprofit that works with healthcare finance executives.

Gundling noted that most of their revenue comes from government-funded programs such as Medicare and Medicaid. He says revenue growth is “only possible by increasing volumes, which is difficult under the best of circumstances.”

Since the end of the pandemic, workers requesting higher wages, improved working conditions, and job security have been increasingly inclined to walk off the job in response to employers’ increased need for labor.

The California legislature has sent Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom a bill that, over the next decade, would raise the minimum wage for the state’s 455,000 healthcare workers to $25 per hour. The governor has until October 14 to sign or veto the bill.


Kiara Grace is a staff writer at VORNews, a reputable online publication. Her writing focuses on technology trends, particularly in the realm of consumer electronics and software. With a keen eye for detail and a knack for breaking down complex topics, Kiara delivers insightful analyses that resonate with tech enthusiasts and casual readers alike. Her articles strike a balance between in-depth coverage and accessibility, making them a go-to resource for anyone seeking to stay informed about the latest innovations shaping our digital world.

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US Health Agency Issues Dengue Virus Infection Warning



The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) of the United States of America has published a health alert warning both the general public and authorities in the healthcare industry about the growing danger of dengue virus infections in the United States.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) of the United States of America has published a health alert warning both the general public and authorities in the healthcare industry about the growing danger of dengue virus infections in the United States.

US health agency issues dengue virus infection advisory

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) of the United States of America has published a health alert warning both the general public and authorities in the healthcare industry about the growing danger of dengue virus infections in the United States.

Puerto Rico, a commonwealth of the United States, has declared a public health emergency due to the over 1,500 cases that have been reported. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there have been a record 745 disease cases among visitors in the United States this year.

The CDC issued an alert on Tuesday stating that the 9.7 million dengue cases reported in the Americas this year are more than twice as many as the 4.6 million cases registered in the previous year.

The Aedes aegypti mosquito bites carry the disease dengue, which has the highest incidence ever recorded, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Officials believe that the higher temperatures that have been brought about by climate change are acting as a driving force behind this trend.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) of the United States of America has published a health alert warning both the general public and authorities in the healthcare industry about the growing danger of dengue virus infections in the United States.

Dengue fever is most prevalent in tropical and subtropical areas. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), medical professionals should treat people who have recently traveled to regions known to have frequent or continuous dengue transmissions with increased suspicion.

Also, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) urged medical professionals to order the required detection tests and swiftly report the findings to the authorities in charge of public health.

In addition, the United States Agency for Health Care encouraged healthcare providers “to promote mosquito bite prevention measures” among individuals and tourists who reside in or visit regions that have “frequent or continuous dengue transmission.”

Most of the time, dengue infections do not cause any symptoms. However, they might sometimes cause a moderate sickness. Dengue fever, on the other hand, may sometimes present itself as a serious condition that might result in death.

The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that after a fever caused by dengue has gone, further symptoms may appear. These symptoms include severe stomach pain, persistent vomiting, fast breathing, bleeding gums or nose, exhaustion, restlessness, blood in vomit or stool, intense thirst, pale and chilly skin, and weakness.

US Health Agency Issues Dengue Virus Infection Warning

Dengue virus does not have a particular therapy; nevertheless, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), most cases are treated with pain medication, yet recovery might take several weeks.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recorded 505,430 cases of dengue virus worldwide in 2000. Seventeen years after its first report, that number increased to at least 5.2 million instances,.

Because dengue virus is often misdiagnosed and underreported, the World Health Organization (WHO) advised that the aforementioned statistic probably underestimated the number of occurrences.

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9 Effective Ways to Loss Weight Without Exercise



9 Effective Ways to Loss Weight Without Exercise

Loss Weight Without Exercise: Losing weight is frequently associated with going to the gym, but what if I told you that you might lose those excess pounds without entering a fitness centre? Yes, you heard that correctly! There are effective strategies to lose weight without exercising, such as focusing on long-term food and lifestyle modifications that are simple to adopt into your daily life.

Understanding Loss Weight

The Science of Loss Weight

Before discussing the tactics, it’s important to grasp the fundamentals of weight loss. At its foundation, weight reduction is about creating a caloric deficit, which means eating fewer calories than your body requires to maintain its present weight.

Caloric Deficit Explained.

Eating less or burning fewer calories can produce a caloric deficit. When your body does not receive enough calories from food, it begins using stored fat for energy, resulting in Loss Weight.

Metabolism and its Role

Metabolism influences how quickly your body burns calories. Age, gender, and genetics can all influence your metabolic rate, but certain lifestyle adjustments might help raise it, resulting in weight loss.

Common Myths about Loss Weight

Numerous myths exist concerning weight reduction, such as “carbs are bad” and “you must exercise to lose weight.” It is critical to dispel these fallacies and focus on evidence-based tactics that genuinely work.

Diet-based Strategies

Focus on Whole Foods

One of the simplest strategies for reducing weight is to eat more whole foods. Whole foods are minimally processed meals high in nutrients and free of artificial ingredients.

Benefits of Whole Foods

Whole foods are high in important vitamins, minerals, and fibre, which can help you feel fuller for longer and lessen the urge to snack on harmful foods.

Examples of Whole Foods

Think on fruits, vegetables, lean meats, whole grains, and legumes. These meals offer a well-balanced mix of nutrients without the added calories found in processed foods.

Portion Control.

Even healthful meals can cause weight gain if consumed in high quantities. Portion control is essential for managing your caloric intake.

Understanding Portion Sizes

It is easy to overestimate portion sizes, especially when dining out. Understanding what a healthy portion looks like will help you avoid overeating.

Tips For Managing Portions

Use smaller dishes, read nutrition labels, and be cautious of portion proportions. These simple methods can significantly reduce your caloric intake.

Mindful eating

Mindful eating entails paying attention to what and how you eat to have a healthier relationship with food.

What is Mindful Eating?

Mindful eating entails being present during meals, savoring each bite, and detecting hunger and fullness signs.

How to Practice Mindful Eating.

Eat carefully, avoid distractions such as television or phones during meals, and watch your body’s signals. This exercise can help you avoid overeating and Loss Weight.

Lifestyle Changes

Increase daily activity.

Being active does not require going to the gym. Increasing your everyday movement might greatly impact your Loss Weight journey.

Simple Ways to Move More.

If you work in a sedentary environment, use the stairs instead of the lift, walk or bike to nearby locations, and take short breaks to stand up and stretch.

Benefits of Increased Activity

Regular movement increases your metabolism, improves your mood, and can help you burn more calories even if you don’t follow an organized workout routine.

Improve sleep quality.

Sleep is sometimes disregarded in Loss Weight plans despite its critical function in regulating hunger hormones and metabolism.

Relationship Between Sleep and Weight

Sleep deprivation can affect hormones such as ghrelin and leptin, which regulate hunger and fullness and increase appetite and weight gain.

Tips for Improved Sleep

Maintain a consistent sleep schedule, establish a relaxing environment, and avoid using devices before bedtime. Quality sleep promotes general health and weight management.

Reduce stress levels.

Stress can be a major impediment to Loss Weight, frequently leading to emotional eating and weight gain.

Effects of Stress on Weight

Chronic stress causes the release of cortisol, a hormone that increases hunger and promotes fat storage, particularly in the abdomen.

Stress Management Techniques

Use relaxation techniques such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, and yoga. Finding good stress-management strategies can help you maintain a healthy weight.

Staying hydrated is important for Loss Weight.

Drinking plenty of water is essential for good health and can help you Loss Weight by increasing satiety and metabolism.

Drinking Water Before Meals.

A glass of water before meals can help you feel fuller and reduce your food intake. This simple behavior can result in a calorie deficit.

Healthy snacking habits

Choosing Nutrient-dense Snacks

Instead of empty-calorie snacks like chips and candy, choose nutritious foods that will keep you fuller for longer. Examples include nuts, fruits, and yogurt.

Avoiding empty calories.

Foods having little to no nutritional value, such as those high in added sugars and harmful fats, provide empty calories. Limiting these can help you control your weight better.


With the appropriate tactics, you can lose weight without exercising. You can achieve long-term Loss Weight by focusing on whole foods, portion control, mindful eating, increasing daily activity, improving sleep quality, lowering stress, staying hydrated, and selecting nutritious snacks. Remember that consistency is vital, as is making tiny, attainable adjustments you can stick with.


Can you lose weight without exercising?

You can lose weight without exercising by making dietary and lifestyle modifications that cause a calorie deficit.

How crucial is nutrition for Loss Weight?

Diet is important for Loss Weight since it affects your caloric intake. A well-balanced, nutrient-dense diet is vital for weight loss and overall health.

How does sleep affect Loss Weight?

Sleep is essential for balancing hunger hormones and metabolism. Poor sleep can increase appetite and lead to weight gain, whereas adequate sleep promotes weight management.

How can I limit my servings without feeling hungry?

Portion management can be achieved by using smaller plates, eating slowly, and choosing fibre- and protein-rich foods that keep you satiated for longer.

What are some simple strategies to alleviate stress?

Meditation, deep breathing exercises, yoga, and indulging in enjoyable hobbies are all simple ways to reduce stress.


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Man Dies After H5N2 Bird Flu Infection



H5N2 Bird Flu Infection
H5N2 Bird Flu Infection

A new strain of bird flu, H5N2, was recently discovered in Mexico City, following the death of a 59-year-old male. The strain is distinct from the H5N1 avian flu that has affected three dairy farm workers in the United States. Part of the concern is that the man was bedridden at home and had no prior exposure to birds or animals.

The individual did have underlying diabetes and severe kidney disease, both of which increase susceptibility to infections. He was ill on April 17 with a fever, shortness of breath, and diarrhea. He died on April 24. None of his contacts have tested positive for influenza A to date.

However, El Universal claimed that “12 contacts (seven symptomatic and five asymptomatic) were identified near the patient’s residence” and that serology results are awaiting. H5N2 is reported to be circulating in local birds.

It’s difficult to remember the names of all the numerous flu types—H5N1, H5N2, bird flu, swine flu, flu A, flu B, and more.

The three major strains of influenza, A, B, and C, are named after core proteins. We get annual epidemics of influenza A, which is the most severe. The 1918 influenza A H1N1 pandemic was deadly. Flu B is typically less severe and produces illnesses every few years. Flu C has not caused outbreaks.

The letters “H” and “N” in the names relate to surface proteins hemagglutinin and neuraminidase, which help the virus adhere to and penetrate cells. Sometimes strains mutate and switch genetic material, making them more infectious.

H1N1 and H2N2 mutated

This occurred when H1N1 and H2N2 mutated in birds, creating a “bird flu” capable of infecting humans. This culminated in the 1957 influenza pandemic in Asia caused by H2N2, a novel (to humans) strain.

Strains are also classified as highly pathogenic avian influenza or low pathogenic. The main concern in recent months has been HPAI H5N1.

H5N1 is the strain that has decimated several chicken flocks and dairy cows. We know it has spread enough to cause illness in a few people, but the magnitude is unknown due to limited and insufficient testing.

There has been a continuing H5N1 outbreak in Asia, with substantially greater mortality rates. Given the increased numbers, Pekosz stated that there has been “better documentation of the case fatality rate there.” “The high number of cases in Asia is mostly attributable to increased human-poultry contact in that region of the world.

If you restrict live bird markets and give poultry farm workers with simple protective gear, you may significantly reduce human H5N1 cases anywhere, but especially in Southeast Asia.”


The H5N1 virus is becoming increasingly common in wild animals, most recently in cats and mice. Dr. Rick Bright, a virologist, pandemic expert, and former director of the United States Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, told The Telegraph, “This gets the virus closer to human homes. It raises the danger of direct exposure and illness.

It will make any control attempts much more difficult because the mice can rapidly transmit infection. Rodents are known for creating epidemics, including the Black Death (bubonic plague), Lassa fever in Africa, and Hantavirus in the Southwest United States.

Another complaint of current control attempts is the weeks-long wait in making data public, as well as the lack of genetic sequencing to detect strain similarities. Bright stated, “Need to urgently see sequences to know if it was fully avian virus, or possible reassortant with human H3N2 virus.”

People are also calling for vaccinations for dairy workers, which have begun in Finland.

For the time being, the recommended safety precautions are to wear masks and goggles when around milking cows and to avoid raw dairy products. I would also avoid 4H club shows and county fairs. If you can’t avoid going, it’s best to wear a mask and goggles, given what we know about transmission.

Source: Forbes

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