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Trudeau Has HISSY FIT Over Twitter Labeling the CBC “Government-Funded Media”



Trudeau Has HISSY FIT Over Twitter Labeling the CBC "Government-Funded Media"

The CBC, Canada’s public broadcaster, said on Monday that it would suspend operations on Twitter after it was labeled “government-funded Media.” The CBC stated that it is not “government-funded” but rather “publicly funded” through a parliamentary appropriation voted on by all Members of Parliament.

“Our journalism is objective and unbiased.” To claim otherwise is false. “As a result, we are suspending our activities on @Twitter,” the CBC announced Monday.

Earlier in the day, Justin Trudeau accused Pierre Poilievre of soliciting the assistance of US billionaire Elon Musk to undermine Canada’s public broadcaster, after Poilievre urged Musk to term the CBC “government-funded.”

Last Monday, Poilievre tweeted that he had written to Musk to request that the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation be labelled “accurately.”

Poilievre, who took over the Conservative Party last year and is seeking to defund the CBC, applauded the decision on Twitter, writing that “now people know that it is Trudeau propaganda, not news.”

“Attacking this Canadian institution, attacking the culture and local content that is so important to so many Canadians, really indicates the values and approach that Mr. Poilievre is putting forward,” Trudeau told reporters.

“To attack this institution that is important to many, many Canadians, he turns to American billionaires, the tech behemoths that they continue to defend.”

Trudeau has a Hissy Fit Over CBC Classification

Meanwhile, Canada’s National Post reported that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is so concerned with teaching Canadians how to tell the difference between fact and fiction on the internet that his government has spent millions encouraging digital media literacy.

However, when Twitter labelled the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation as “Government-funded Media” — a statement that is undeniably true — the prime minister was enraged and immediately attempted to blame the Conservatives for attempting to “attack” and delegitimize “independent media organisations.”

Of all, there is nothing “independent” about a media outlet that receives more than $1.2 billion in government funding each year. Suggesting differently is, at best, deceptive.

The dispute arose as a result of Twitter’s push to flag state-affiliated accounts, including government-funded media sources, in an apparent attempt to provide people with the information they need to determine whether they are being fed government propaganda.

In recent years, Western governments and media have taken the issue of state actors propagating disinformation through social media very seriously. However, when pressed to be truthful about their own funding models, public broadcasters pitched a collective hissy fit.

In the United States, both NPR and PBS declared last week that they would no longer use the social networking site owing to the new categorization.

In the United Kingdom, the BBC made a huge deal about being labelled as “government-funded,” and successfully urged Twitter to change its title to “publicly funded,” because it is paid by a TV tax rather than direct subsidies.

Many people wondered why our own public broadcaster had escaped being called out for what it is, thus Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre rightfully called on Twitter CEO Elon Musk to hold Canadian media to the same standard.

Attacking Canada’s foundational Canadian institution

On Sunday, Trudeau accused the Conservatives of “trying to attack a foundational Canadian institution.” The CBC also declared that it is “pausing” its usage of the social network, which it accuses of undermining its editorial independence.

According to the Canadian Press, the CBC “has drawn a distinction between ‘government’ and ‘public’ funding because the money it receives is granted through a vote in Parliament.”

Twitter distinguishes between “government-funded media,” where “the government provides some or all of the outlet’s funding,” and “publicly-funded media,” which “receive funding from licence fees, individual contributions, public financing, and commercial financing.”

The CBC clearly falls into the first group, considering that roughly a third of its budget is taken straight from taxpayers’ purses. The fact that the money was approved by Parliament is a moot point, because all government spending must eventually be affirmed by a vote in the legislature.

Although Poilievre claimed that the public broadcaster had been exposed as “Trudeau propaganda, not news” — which is no more true than accusing the CBC a decade ago of being “Harper propaganda” — few, if any, are suggesting that the CBC is comparable to state media in authoritarian countries such as China and Iran.

These organisations are classified as “state-affiliated media” by Twitter, which describes them as “outlets where the state exercises editorial control over editorial content.”

CBC Quotes journalistic standards

Mother Corp is particularly irritated by Twitter’s assertion that government-funded media “may have varying degrees of government involvement over editorial content.” According to the CBC, this cannot be the case because its “editorial independence is protected in law in the Broadcasting Act,” it is subject to journalistic standards, and it has a “independent” complaints mechanism.

This line of reasoning is rather deceptive, because the Broadcasting Act ensures “independence enjoyed by the corporation in the pursuit of its objects.” Those goals are established in legislation, and while they are very wide, it is undeniably true that the government defines its mandate and can amend it at any time.

The main issue with a state broadcaster like the CBC is that its reliance on government funds ensures that its objectivity is always called into question.

A few weeks before the 2000 election, the CBC aired an oddly timed attack piece portraying Canadian Alliance Leader Stockwell Day as a terrifying religious zealot who thought humans coexisted with dinosaurs, without ever seeking comment from the man at the centre of the charges.

There was never any evidence that the Prime Minister’s Office or the Liberal war room had any control over the CBC, but everyone knew who was feeding it.

CBC Sues Conservative Party

Just days before the 2019 election, the Crown corporation filed a baseless lawsuit seeking an injunction against the Conservative Party for allegedly infringing on the CBC’s copyright in campaign materials.

The suit, which initially named two CBC journalists as applicants, was never going to have much of an impact on the outcome of the vote, but it is also not the type of thing an impartial news outlet would do during an election on which it is expected to report objectively.

Again, no one is claiming that the ruling Liberals were involved in the decision. But we also have a prime minister who has no qualms about requesting that his attorney general intervene in the prosecution of a politically favoured firm or forcing the RCMP commissioner to suppress information concerning a mass massacre in order to advance Liberal gun-control initiatives.

Few would be astonished if the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) ever pulled some strings at the CBC at a politically advantageous time.

Even if the Canadian public is assured that such a thing will never happen, and that the half of the country who believes the CBC has a partisan Liberal bias is completely delusory, there is no way to free the broadcaster from the inherent incentives that come with being reliant on the public treasury for its very existence.

The CBC will have a vested interest in preserving support for big government policies and the parties that support them as long as its financing comes from the government. As a result, we have a system in which the government takes our money and spends it to convince us of the virtues of socialism.

If we want to empower an informed and involved public to judge the truth of the multiplicity of information sources available in today’s online environment, we must be willing to call a spade a spade.

The CBC definitely receives the majority of its financing from the government. If it believes this is a terrible thing, it should support Poilievre’s vow to defund it rather than hiding behind its own spin.

Trudeau’s minority government is backed by the left-wing New Democrats, and the next election is not scheduled until 2025.


Geoff Thomas is a seasoned staff writer at VORNews, a reputable online publication. With his sharp writing skills and deep understanding of SEO, he consistently delivers high-quality, engaging content that resonates with readers. Thomas' articles are well-researched, informative, and written in a clear, concise style that keeps audiences hooked. His ability to craft compelling narratives while seamlessly incorporating relevant keywords has made him a valuable asset to the VORNews team.

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Katie Ledecky Hopes For Clean Races At Paris Olympics In The Aftermath Of The Chinese Doping Scandal




PARIS — Katie Ledecky is looking for clean Olympic races. On Wednesday, Hope had pretty much reached her limit.

The American swimmer hopes to add to her six gold medals as she competes in the 400, 800, and 1,500 meters at the Paris Games. Her program starts with the heavy 400 on Saturday, featuring Ariarne Titmus and Summer McIntosh.


Katie Ledecky | ESPN Image

Katie Ledecky Hopes For Clean Races At Paris Olympics In The Aftermath Of The Chinese Doping Scandal

The 27-year-old Katie is competing in her fourth Summer Olympics, but the first since a doping scandal involving almost two dozen Chinese swimmers who tested positive for a banned chemical before the Tokyo Games — yet were permitted to compete with no consequences. The controversy has raised serious worries regarding the effectiveness of anti-doping initiatives.


Katie Ledecky | Vogue Image

“I hope everyone here is going to be competing clean this week,” Ledecky claimed. “But what truly counts is, were they training cleanly? Hopefully this has been the case. Hopefully, there has been worldwide testing.”

The International Olympic Committee has expressed concern over the ongoing US investigation into possible doping by Chinese swimmers. While awarding the 2034 Winter Olympics to Salt Lake City on Wednesday, the IOC urged Utah officials to do whatever they could to stop the FBI investigation.

“I think everyone’s heard what the athletes think,” Katie added. “They seek transparency. They want more answers to the remaining questions. At this point, we are here to race. We are going to race whoever is in the lane next to us.

“We are not paid to conduct the tests, so we trust those who follow their regulations. That applies both today and in the future.



Katie Ledecky | ESPN Image

Katie Ledecky Hopes For Clean Races At Paris Olympics In The Aftermath Of The Chinese Doping Scandal


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London Heatwave Alert: High Temperatures Set to Soar to 29C Next Week



London Heatwave Alert High Temperatures Set to Soar to 29C Next Week

As the summer holidays begin, London may experience an official heatwave with temperatures reaching up to 29 degrees Celsius.

The Met Office predicts a long period of sunny and dry weather for London after a soggy spring and summer.

After a cloudy day on Saturday, temperatures are expected to reach 27C on Sunday, with lots of sunlight.

On Monday and Tuesday, temperatures are forecast to peak at 29 degrees Celsius. Monday is forecast to offer more sunlight, while Tuesday may see some gloomy weather.

VOR News

Temperatures are expected to remain in the high 20s next week, with lows of approximately 18C.

According to the Met Office, a heatwave is “an extended period of hot weather relative to the expected conditions of the area at that time of year, which may be accompanied by high humidity.”

In the United Kingdom, a heatwave is proclaimed when daily temperatures meet or surpass a certain level for at least three consecutive days.

In London, the heatwave threshold is 28 degrees Celsius.

The Met Office reported that the UK is experiencing hotter and wetter weather on average due to climate change.

The UK experienced its warmest May and April on record this year, despite damp and dismal conditions in many areas.

According to the Met Office’s State Of The UK Climate 2023 report published on Thursday, the UK experienced historic levels of extreme weather last year.

In the United Kingdom, 2023 was the second warmest year on record, bringing storms, flooding, strong heatwaves, and rising sea levels; only 2022 was warmer.

It was 0.8°C higher than the average from 1991 to 2020, and 1.66°C higher than the 1961 to 1990 average.

However, 2023 will be a “cool year” in comparison to 2100, based on the planet’s warming trajectory.

The government’s plan to adapt to the hazards presented by climate change is currently being challenged in the High Court by campaigners who allege the Tory administration’s July 2023 National Adaptation Programme (NAP) fails to adequately address 61 concerns.

Source: The Standard

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Novo Nordisk’s Wegovy is a Heart-Risk-Reducing Product.



Hollie Adams | Reuters

(VOR News) – The European Union’s medical regulator has granted approval to Wegovy, a blockbuster weight loss treatment manufactured by Novo Nordisk, in order to expand its application to include the reduction of major heart events in overweight or obese adults.

In order to expand the scope of the medication’s applicability, this authorisation was granted. The purpose of obtaining this approval was to broaden the medicine’s application.

The Danish pharmaceutical company announced on Thursday that the European Medical Agency has formulated a “positive opinion” regarding the label’s expansion.

The agency made this determination after conducting a comprehensive examination of the results of a SELECT study that was subjected to rigorous monitoring. Other applications of the substance are facilitated by this conclusion.

The SELECT experiment, which was financed by Novo Nordisk and published in August 2023.

Wegovy and Ozempic contain semaglutide as the active ingredient.

Reduced the risk of major cardiovascular events by twenty percent when compared to a placebo. The researchers arrived at this conclusion. This realisation was the outcome of the researchers’ investigation.

The notion that the European Medicines Agency label for Wegovy should be amended is a significant step forward for patients who are coping with cardiovascular disease and obesity, according to Martin Holst Lange, executive vice president and director of development at Novo Nordisk.

The company’s statement, which was disclosed, indicated that the recommendation to update the label is a substantial advancement.

It is evident that Wegovy has the potential to save lives by reducing the likelihood of significant adverse cardiovascular events, as evidenced by the findings of the SELECT research. An additional benefit of participating in this exercise is that it helps individuals effectively manage their weight, which is a benefit in and of itself.

The company also stated that the label update incorporates data from the SELECT trial, which showed a 15% reduction in the risk of death from cardiovascular causes and a 19% reduction in the risk of death from any cause when compared to situations in which a placebo was used in conjunction with the product.

The SELECT trial was conducted in the United States, according to the company. Furthermore, the organisation disclosed that the SELECT investigation was conducted in the United States of America.

It is anticipated that the label amendment will be implemented within the next month, as per the statement issued by Novo Nordisk.

Wegovy has also been approved for use in the United States.

Similarly, the UK medical regulator has taken similar actions. The United Kingdom on Tuesday granted its clearance for the use of Wegovy to reduce the risk of significant cardiac difficulties or strokes in adults who are overweight or obese, such as heart attacks or strokes.

The Food and Drug Administration of the United States of America granted sanction for the medicine to be used in specific applications during the month of March.

This resulted in a rise in the number of distinct applications for the highly popular treatment, which coincides with the sector’s increasing level of competition.

On Thursday, Roche, a global pharmaceutical company with its headquarters in Switzerland, announced that its Wegovy competitor weight reduction tablets will be incorporated into a collection of pharmaceuticals designed to mitigate the adverse effects of obesity.

The pharmaceutical collection will encompass a diverse selection of weight loss medications.

The company’s Chief Executive Officer, Thomas Schinecker, conveyed his satisfaction with the exceptional early-stage trial results of the two potential weight-reduction pharmaceuticals that the company is currently developing. In addition, he asserted that these medications demonstrated the “best in disease potential.”

In making this assertion, Schinecker was alluding to the fact that the medications exhibited the “best in disease potential.” He also stated that they will be a part of a more comprehensive portfolio that is intended to set the Swiss company apart from its competitors in the growing obesity therapy market.

This adds insult to injury. This strategy will be implemented in order to distinguish the Swiss company from other businesses in the market.



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