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Spain: Abortion Rights Restrictions Spark Debate




MADRID, Spain — During this year’s local elections, a regional government’s decision to restrict abortion rights in a broad part of central Spain renewed debate on Friday.

Women contemplating abortions in Castile and Leon must be allowed voluntary access to unsolicited materials by doctors before the procedure, according to new legislation passed by the region’s conservative and far-right coalition.

Some of the things that can be done to reduce the number of abortions are hearing the fetus’ heartbeat, getting a 4D ultrasound, and getting counseling.


Patients have the option to decline any of these options.

The new measures were announced on Thursday by the regional government’s far-right vice president, Juan Garca-Gallardo, whose Vox party is a junior coalition partner in Castile and Leon with Spain’s mainstream conservative Popular Party. Regional governments in Spain have authority over public health policies at the regional level. In June, the country will hold regional elections.

“We will offer every parent who wants to see it a real-time video to see the head, the hands, the feet, the fingers. “In short, all parts of the child’s body that are conceived,” Garca-Gallardo said.

Spanish Health Minister Carolina Darias stated that no compromises on abortion rights would be tolerated.

Garca-Gallardo reaffirmed on Friday that the restrictions would go into effect immediately in Castile and Leon, home to about 2.5 million of Spain’s 47 million people.


Spain Health Minister Says ‘No Compromises”

The announcement received widespread condemnation, particularly from Spain’s left-wing central government. Most female ministers raced to decry what they called an assault on women’s rights, a major political banner for Spain’s ruling alliance.

Isabel Daz Ayuso, the president of the Madrid area and a strong conservative figure, got into the controversy by introducing a new anti-abortion helpline for pregnant women.

“Despite what the left thinks, women must be able to choose what information they want to receive,” Ayuso stated.

Abortion is legal in Spain until the 14th week of pregnancy, and the government has lately made various efforts to strengthen abortion rights across the board.


Left-Wing Legislation Prohibiting Intimidation Of Women

Last year, the left-wing-controlled parliament introduced legislation prohibiting the intimidation of women entering abortion clinics, where anti-abortion activists frequently demonstrated in an attempt to persuade patients to reconsider their minds. The rule that 16- and 17-year-olds had to get their parent’s permission before ending a pregnancy was taken away.

Even though Catholicism is not Spain’s official religion, it has a big impact on a lot of people. For centuries, the country was strongly Catholic, and from 1935 to 1975, it was administered by Gen. Francisco Franco’s self-described national-Catholic regime.



Kiara Grace is a staff writer at VORNews, a reputable online publication. Her writing focuses on technology trends, particularly in the realm of consumer electronics and software. With a keen eye for detail and a knack for breaking down complex topics.

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