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Eddie Murphy Is Still Stung By That David Spade Joke On ‘Saturday Night Live’




Eddie Murphy is thinking back on some of the perceived “cheap shots” he has taken throughout the years.

In an interview with the latest York Times, the Oscar-nominated actor and comedian—whose latest movie, “Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F,” releases on Netflix next week—was asked if he felt he had been treated unfairly by the media and his peers over the years.


Murphy | CNN Image

Eddie Murphy Is Still Stung By That David Spade Joke On ‘Saturday Night Live’

“They used to be so hard on me back in the day, and a lot of it was racist stuff,” Murphy remarked.

Murphy began by describing how growing up in the 1980s “was a whole different world” and then mentioned an incident in which “David Spade said that s––t about my career on ‘SNL.'”

The aforementioned clip, which aired in December 1995 as part of Spade’s “Hollywood Minute” year-in-review, featured a photo of Murphy with the caption, “Look, kids, it’s a falling star.” Form a wish. Murphy revealed to the Times that the joke was inspired by his picture “Vampire in Brooklyn,” which had a disastrous box office run.

“I thought, ‘Hey, this is in-house!'” You’re f-–king with me like that, and I’m part of the family? That kind of damaged my sentiments,” Murphy remarked.

Eddie Murphy Is Still Stung By That David Spade Joke On ‘Saturday Night Live’

As a member of the core cast of “SNL,” he became well-known between 1980 and 1984. He is frequently credited with keeping the show on the air at one point.

“The producers felt that statement could be made. Among all the guests on that program, you have never heard somebody make light of another person’s career. The majority of those that leave that program don’t go on to have these incredible careers. It was intimate,” Murphy clarified afterward. “I thought, ‘Hey, how could you do that?'” My profession? Really? A joke about my work? That seemed like a cheap shot to me. Additionally, I felt that it was quite racist.

Later, Spade wrote about feeling terrible about his “stupid joke” and getting a call from an irate Murphy following the skit.

Spade wrote, “I’ve come to see Eddie’s point on this one.” In show business, everyone wants to be liked by others. It’s how you gain followers. However, when you are reamed in a drawing, on the internet, or in any other way, that stinks. And the sum can mount up rapidly.


Murphy | CNN Image

Eddie Murphy Is Still Stung By That David Spade Joke On ‘Saturday Night Live’

Murphy has largely avoided the long-running NBC sketch show over the years, though he did make a cameo in the 2015 “SNL” 40th anniversary special and made a big comeback as a host in 2019.

“In the end, everything turned out well. Both David Spade and Lorne Michaels are OK to me. This week, Murphy said, “I returned to SNL.” “Love is everything… nevertheless, I took a few shoddy photographs!”


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2024 | Alex Jones Fighting Attempt To Sell His Social Media Account Rights In Infowars Auction



Alex Jones | AP news Image

Alex Jones, a conspiracy theorist, is attempting to prevent his personal social media accounts from being sold in the upcoming auction of his Infowars media platform to pay more than $1 billion owed to relatives of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, claiming that doing so would violate his privacy and deny him the opportunity to start over after bankruptcy.

The trustee in charge of liquidating and selling Infowars and its parent company, Free Speech Systems, asked a federal judge on Friday to include the social media accounts in the November and December auctions. The judge postponed a ruling on the case for at least a week.


Alex Jones | AP News Image

Alex Jones Fighting Attempt To Sell His Social Media Account Rights In Infowars Auction

Jones’s lawyers contend that Infowars or FSS does not hold the personal media profiles that use his real name but by him personally and should, therefore, be regarded as part of his “persona” that cannot be owned by anybody other than himself.

They say that trustee Christopher Murray does not have the power to sell the social media accounts and warn that a purchaser may face challenges over whether they were obtained legally.

U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Christopher Lopez in Houston said a proposed ruling on the future sale of the social media accounts that protected Jones’ right to sue over ownership later was ambiguous, and he scheduled another hearing in a week.

“We should have great clarity and everybody agrees that something can be sold before it can be sold,” Lopez told the media. “I want a buyer or bidder to know exactly what they believe they can buy. I do not want to put a potential buyer at risk of litigation.”

The trustee also wants to be able to sell the rights to revenues from Jones’ book “The Great Reset: And the War for the World,” which was published in August 2022, and his video game “Alex Jones NWO Wars,” which was launched in 2023 and stars Jones as the hero in a shooting game.

Despite his company’s impending closure, Jones has promised to continue his discussion shows through other means, including a new website and personal social media profiles. He has also recommended that his fans purchase Infowars’ assets, allowing him to continue hosting his show as an employee under the Infowars brand in the company’s hometown of Austin, Texas.


In court filings, the trustee’s legal team argued that Jones’ X account, as well as others on Telegram, Gab, Parler, and other platforms, “are frequently used to promote and post Infowars content, and in some cases, have a significant number of followers.” Jones’ X account has about 3 million followers.

The trustee contended that the social media accounts of influencers, celebrities, and political figures had become valuable assets and that Jones’ accounts had piqued the attention of various parties interested in purchasing them.

Jones’ attorneys stated that if they were sold, the buyer would determine the outcome of the action.

“We got comfortable with the trustee that if certain parties were the successful bidder, there would be litigation later, but if certain parties were the successful bidder, there wouldn’t be litigation later,” Vickie Driver, one of Jones’ attorneys, told the judge.


Alex Jones | AP news Image

Alex Jones Fighting Attempt To Sell His Social Media Account Rights In Infowars Auction

“There is value to some folks in buying these assets and using them in one way, and value to other folks to use them in another way,” Mr. Driver stated.

Jones and his company both declared bankruptcy in 2022, the same year Sandy Hook families won nearly $1.5 billion in defamation and emotional distress lawsuits against Jones for repeatedly claiming the 2012 school shooting was a hoax staged by “crisis actors” to pass more gun control legislation. The Newtown, Connecticut, massacre killed 20 first-graders and six educators.

During two civil cases in Texas and Connecticut, parents and children of many of the victims testified that Jones’ phony conspiracies and the conduct of his followers had traumatized them. They claimed they were hounded and threatened by Jones’ supporters, some of whom visited the mourning families in person, claiming the shooting never occurred and their children did not exist. One parent stated that someone threatened to dig up his deceased son’s grave.

Jones is appealing the civil jury findings, citing free speech rights and challenging whether the families established a link between his views and the individuals who harassed and intimidated the relatives. He has since acknowledged that the incident took place.


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Suitable and appropriate? Donald Trump Often Compares Himself To Lincoln.



Donald Trump

(VOR News) – In four scores and seven years, Donald Trump compared himself to Abraham Lincoln, lauded him, and criticized him. Our descendants should study why the 45th president, who wants to be the 47th, keeps mentioning the 16th.

“This is Donald Trump, hopefully your favorite president of all time, better than Lincoln and better than Washington,” Donald Trump said in a December 2022 video presenting “Trump digital trading cards” after announcing his third presidential bid.

The Republican Party claims that the Great Emancipator has been treated worse than Lincoln and done more for Blacks than anybody else since Lincoln. Donald Trump calls it “the weave.” It appears in his odd mix of personal grievances, apocalyptic warnings about Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris’s victory, cultural references, and self-promotion.

Donald Trump criticized Harris in California using Lincoln on October 13.

Our nation—what’s wrong? The speaker said, “Look, Abraham Lincoln was the greatest.” Study this. Are you okay with our actions? “She is an absolute disaster.”

Later that week, a Tennessee 10-year-old asked “Fox and Friends” about Trump’s childhood hero. Donald Trump mentioned Reagan at Reagan’s 1981 inauguration despite being in his thirties. After praising Lincoln, he questioned the conflict six weeks after his inauguration.

“Lincoln was likely an exceptional president; however, why was that not resolved?” Trump insists he would have prevented the Ukraine and Israel wars. “I am a man who is illogical.” The Civil War occurred. Trump’s unusual background fascinated Lincoln Forum chairman Harold Holzer.

Holzer said “The issue with Donald Trump’s utilization of Lincoln is that it is a form of malice directed at a select few, followed by a larger number, and ultimately Lincoln.” Many politicians have exploited Lincoln’s legacy. Holzer noted that most people associate the Illinois rail splitter with its simplicity.

On Lincoln’s birthday weekend, Barack Obama’s 2007 presidential campaign launch at Springfield’s Old State Capitol, where Lincoln served for eight years in the House, was remarkable. At the Democratic National Convention this year, Obama invoked the “better angels of our nature,” as Lincoln did in his inaugural address, to unite the nation.

Gerald Ford, who reluctantly became vice president during Watergate, famously said, “I am a Ford, not a Lincoln.” Another Illinoisan, Adlai Stevenson, recalled Lincoln’s reaction to losing the presidency to Dwight Eisenhower in 1952: He was like a child who stubbed his toe—too elderly to cry, too painful to laugh.

“This is not a novel concept.” Presidents have historically referred to their predecessors, according to Coastal Carolina University presidential expert Justin Vaughn. Trump’s approach and persona are unique. It often lacks nuance. Trump’s passion isn’t total.

Biden’s poor performance aided Jimmy Carter’s reign, Donald Trump added.

Trump’s love-hate relationship with Lincoln stems from his desire to protect and improve his legacy, Vaughn says. During their June debate, Trump and Biden argued about the Presidential Greatness Project, a political historian’s poll co-authored by Vaughn and revised in December. Lincoln was the greatest US president, while Trump was the worst.

According to Vaughn, Donald Trump’s dealmaker implies that the Union might have been rebuilt without Civil War violence. Compromises have underpinned US slavery throughout history. Holzer predicted a War Between the States to eradicate slavery and unite the nation. He said “better negotiators than Donald Trump, such as Henry Clay, attempted to resolve the sectional crisis without success.”

Trump says he has done more for Black Americans than any president since Lincoln, noting his criminal justice reform and opportunity zone initiatives to bring investment to poor neighborhoods.

Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation freed slaves in rebellious states, shocking the South and the Union-loving North. Just weeks before his assassination, his hard and skilled work helped enact the 13th Amendment, which abolished involuntary servitude in the US.

“There is no comparison to be drawn between former Presidents Abraham Lincoln and Donald Trump” based merely on the Emancipation Proclamation, says slavery expert Daina Ramey Berry, dean of humanities and fine arts at UC-Santa Barbara. Berry said “People regarded Lincoln as the Great Emancipator and an advocate for unity and freedom after slavery was abolished.” The declaration had no immediate effect.

The self-effacing Lincoln may react differently to the altercation than a circuit-riding attorney. The court saw Bloomington, Illinois attorney Ward Hill Lamon, Lincoln’s bodyguard in Washington, tear his trousers. The lawyers snidely replaced Lamon’s pants.

Lincoln dropped a paper in the hat instead of a coin, writing, “I can contribute nothing to the end in view.”



A Tropical Storm Floods Philippine Towns And Kills 76 People.

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A Tropical Storm Floods Philippine Towns And Kills 76 People.



Tropical Storm

(VOR News) – Tropical Storm Trami left behind debris in the northern Philippines, which property owners cleared with rakes and spades on Friday.

At the same time, search and rescue teams were combing the sludge in search of individuals who had disappeared. The search for missing individuals proceeded, and it was determined that 76 individuals had passed away.

A significant rainstorm resulted in inundation that compelled tens of thousands of individuals to evacuate their residences. In certain regions, the amount of precipitation that would typically fall over the course of two months was accumulated in a mere two days. The floods that transpired were precipitated by inundation.

On Friday, residential property owners in the northern Philippines employed rakes and spades to clear the detritus that had been left behind by Tropical Storm Trami. At the same time, search and rescue teams were combing the sludge in search of individuals who had disappeared.

Tropical Storm confirmed 76 deaths after searching for missing people.

A significant rainstorm resulted in inundation that compelled tens of thousands of individuals to evacuate their residences. In certain regions, the amount of precipitation that would typically fall over the course of two months was accumulated in a mere two days.

The floods that transpired were precipitated by the inundation. He continued, “We are optimistic that the floods will abate today, as the rain has ceased,” in allusion to his own statements.

In contrast, President Ferdinand Marcos announced on Friday that rescue workers are still encountering significant obstacles in their efforts to reach the region, particularly in the province of Bicol. He believed that this issue was particularly prevalent in the region.

He remarked, “That is the challenge we are encountering with Bicol; it is exceedingly difficult to infiltrate.” He also stated that excessively saturated soil had caused “landslides in regions that had never encountered them previously.” He was referencing the difficulty of reaching the Bicol region, located in the Philippines.

Precipitation occurred for a total of two months. Educational institutions and government buildings on the largest island of Luzon were still closed as of Friday. Furthermore, Tropical Storm surge warnings were discontinued along the island’s western coast as the Tropical Storm advanced further into the ocean. Precipitation occurred for a total of two months.

Batangas province received “two months’ worth of rain,” which is equivalent to 391.3 millimeters, on October 24th and 25th, according to Jofren Habaluyas, a specialist with the state weather office. The quantity of precipitation in question is equivalent to the amount that would be expected to descend over the course of two months.

Tropical Storm Sandy discharged a torrent of volcanic mud, which inundated some cities.

The flooding caused streets to transform into rivers. The inundation necessitated the evacuation of more than three hundred and twenty thousand individuals from their residences. Following the conclusion of an official tally that occurred late on Thursday evening, this information was disclosed to the public.

Rescue personnel in Naga city and Nabua municipality employed boats to establish communication with individuals who were stranded on rooftops. A significant number of these residents expressed their preference for receiving assistance through Facebook posts.

The local disaster department has ordered the search for a missing fisherman, whose boat capsized in the waters of Bulacan province, located to the west of Manila, to be suspended on Friday due to the presence of strong currents. The boat that the fishermen were employing vanished in conjunction with the swells. The fisherman’s skiff capsized in the waters beyond western Manila.

Each year, the Philippines and the oceans that encircle them are struck by approximately twenty powerful Tropical Storm and typhoons. Scores of individuals are killed during the course of these Tropical Storm, in addition to causing devastation to homes and other significant structures.

Climate change has a direct impact on the occurrence of cyclones in the Asia-Pacific region, according to a recent analysis. The origin of these Tropical Storm is closer to the coasts, and they intensify more rapidly. Additionally, they persist over land for extended periods.



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